What is postingTo?

PostingTo is a business network dedicated to professionals operating in the fashion industry, clothing, accessories, design and services fields . PostingTo was created in order to put together supply and demand, and allow companies and professionals to meet, get to know each other and do business together.

What does “postingTo” mean?

Companies and professionals post products and services that they wish to sell or buy on postingTo. Therefore, they "post", as they call it in 2.0 jargon. And that’s where the name postingTo comes from!

What does “business network” mean?

PostingTo combines the best aspects of a social network with the advantages of a vertical marketplace. PostingTo is a place where you can meet companies and professionals in the field, who wish to exchange products, services, and ideas. It is the ideal place to create new business relationships.

What can I find on postingTo?

On postingTo you can consult company and professional profiles of whoever is present on the site, find out what they specialize in, and see their products, services and news. You can find the products that companies and professionals are offering in the OFFERS area. In the REQUESTS area you can find a list of the products and services, which some professionals wish to purchase.

What is the Forum for?

All companies and professionals can chat with one another, exchange opinions, advice, and ideas relevant to postingTo and to their own business.

Who is postingTo for?

PostingTo is a business tool for all operators working in the fashion industry, clothing, accessories, design and services fields. Entrepreneurs, sales directors, and operators can post their own business profile and the key products they want to sell. Buyers, entrepreneurs, sales people and professionals can consult the OFFERS already present, or post new specific REQUESTS

Who can I find on postingTo?

More and more companies and professionals from all over the world are joining postingTo, every day. With postingTo you can easily locate your potential business partner from any place in the world, get in touch and work together.

Why should I post my company profile on postingTo?

PostingTo is the reference portal for professionals working in fashion, accessories and design. Thousands of people in search of fresh ideas and partners visit it every day. On postingTo your company profile will have privileged visibility, and your company may get new potential client contacts. In order to post your profile you must register with postingTo.

Why should I post my products or services on postingTo?

If you wish to sell your products or services to professionals working in the world of fashion and accessories, or find new distributers and agents in every country, then postingTo is the perfect place to showcase what you have to offer. Register, post your products or services including photos, videos, and documents, as well as, whatever else you feel is helpful to post them on the site. Directly receive messages and contact requests from people who are interested in your products or services.

Why should I post a request on postingTo?

If you are looking for a supplier that can provide you with exactly what you want, or if you need to purchase special products, semi-finished products, or services, you can post your specific request in the FIND area, and you will directly obtain contacts and offers from people who are able to meet your needs.

How can I register?

Go to the registration page by selecting REGISTER from the menu and follow the simple instructions. In less than a minute you will be in the postingTo network. Immediately after, you can complete your profile with detailed information, video, photos, logos, and downloadable documents.

How can I post my products?

After registering, go to the area MY ACCOUNT and enter your products and services. You can add brands, photos, video, descriptions, price lists and documents.

How can I sell my products?

If you post your products or services on postingTo you may get requests from interested companies, make deals and directly conclude sales. PostingTo is not an e commerce site: postingTo was created to put companies and professionals into contact with each other in order to make possible commercial transactions and collaborations. The best way to start selling your products and services in the fashion world is to post with postingTo!

How can I make my products more visible?

With the postingTo PROFESSIONAL plan you can post up to 3 products at the same time, with the EXECUTIVE plan the number of products/services is unlimited. Both plans allow you to have other advantages available. With the "Featured Products" option your products are posted on the Home Page. Here you can find all of the visibility and promotion options that postingTo has to offer. In any case, in order to have the best visibility, we suggest you accurately describe your product/ service using all keywords that you want to help find it, through the site search form and through the major search engines.

How can I contact a company found on postingTo?

Contact information can be found on every company profile (telephone, fax, etc.) available to postingTo registered users. To contact companies, you can send an email message thanks to the CONTACT postingTo function. The company will receive your request and can answer it. Get notifications from your MESSAGES area whenever you receive new messages.

How can I send a newsletter to companies found on postingTo?

PostingTo offers optional payment functions, available to FREE, PROFESSIONAL and EXECUTIVE users. You can send a newsletter to a particular category of companies present on postingTo. Consult all the details in order to activate your e-mail campaign.

When do I receive contacts from companies?

Instantly get contact requests concerning your products or professional or company profile, through the postingTo internal messenger. After LOGIN, access your area "My Profile", and check all incoming messages.

For how long will my products remain visible on postingTo?

Your company profile will always remain visible and you could update it anytime. The products posted on the OFFERS area will remain up for three months after the date of the first publication; you can perfect or modify the description at any time from your area "My Profile". At the time of the three month expiration, you will receive a notification, and then you can decide whether to repost the product for another three months or to change it, and so on.

How much does it cost to register with postingTo?

PostingTo registration is free. With your free profile you can enter your company profile with descriptions and photos, you can consult REQUESTS, OFFERS, NEWS, and the FORUM. If you choose the PROFESSIONAL profile at a cost of only €29 per month, you can post up to 3 products or services, and access and respond to buyers’ REQUESTS. With the EXECUTIVE profile you have all of the privileges of the professional profile, but in addition the possibility to enhance your catalog by entering an unlimited number of products.

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